Humorous Poem | fight of teenagers | very funny | very sad | very boring | sarcastic

Fight of teenagers

Our relation has now become bun
Now we don't have any kind of fun
You think I am at fault
Your monstrous smile is at halt
Earlier, together we walked
Now we don't even talk
We both have ego
That we don't let go
I say sorry at my fault
But after listening to your invectives I got shocked

Alright, Alright I know its my mistake too
but you too know I talk to very few
I get angry very fast
It gets like a spell hand coot
I don't know what I say or do
When I'm not in a good mood
So at last I accept my fault
But I'll not say sorry at any cost....

Tears in eyes
After reading your reply
I know you are stubborn
In anger I ate Bourbon
But still I am delight
Promise me that in future you will not fight
Write your crazy reply

Um You know I don't have control on my anger
But I'll try to keep it over hanger
& I am stubborn from birth
But my anger stays on top berth
N Yeah alright it was my fault
But I'll not say sorry at any cost....

Shocked, at what you write
After reading this, I want to suicide
Your reply was trembling
I feel I am playing gambling
But still I am delight
Promise me that in future you will not fight

I can't promise that I will not fight
Coz my anger goes to height
But what you say, I don't mean it
You know from mind I'm not fit
I regret after saying my words
I know they sound like swords
But the thing is I can't set
control my anger which is making all fuss
I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying

Now leave that topic
I want to know your hobby
I know that you sing
& dance with a little swing
I know you like to fight
& watching twilight
I know your anger
It's like Bermuda Triangle
Still I want to decide
The things you most like

The things I like the most
Will take time & cover a page whole
But still you know some of them, right ?
Some of them I miss might
As you know I like dancing & singing
Cuddling with pups at home bringing
Going to parties, DJs and Pubs
& Pizza hut & Domino's & McD & Subs
I like reading novels especially love stories
But vampires are my best, past time stories
I like writing songs and composing them too
But I don't have facilities to make this true
And I want to do something great in life
For that everyone will remember me whole life

I will recall you whole life
For your dreams to be true I will try
You are all rounder
I say this with no wonder
But my hobbies are unique
I type & write with no fatigue
You are one who points out my fault
Your this habit  I like by heart
But I want ask, reply cool
Would you remember me after school

Yes of course I made you my bro
Also we wonder together to and fro
I will always remember you my friend
In entire life whatever be the trend
Your hobbies are really unique
Typing & writing without fatigue
You too are my friend
I'll not forget you in my entire life, whatever be the trend
Miss you................................


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