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 drug addiction | drug addiction essay | drug addiction speech | drug addiction articles | drug addiction in india | drug addiction essay in simple english | drug addiction among youth speech

 drug addiction | drug addiction essay | drug addiction speech | drug addiction articles | drug addiction in india | drug addiction essay in simple english | drug addiction among youth speech

“The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics is wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope.” ― Russell Brand

Our youth is inching towards drugs day by day and this ratio is increasing day by day.  "At present, it is estimated that around 7.21 crore people are affected due to drugs," said Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Thaawar Chand Gehlot.

Stark statistics reveal that around 25,426 people committed suicide due to drug and addiction related problems in the last ten years across India. Suicides due to drug related problems exceed dowry, poverty and money related suicides.

Drug abuse and addiction is one of the great evils of our time. It has become a serious problem in India. Young and old alike everywhere are addicted to drugs. It has resulted in increased crime, tension, disease, horror and lack of tranquility and security.

The cities have attracted large number of youth who come in search of employment. Such people live a lonely and isolated life and become anti-social. They fall into evil company and get addicted.
The children who are deprived of the loving care and affection, and do not get right type of education are prone to be addicted to drugs.
In the beginning it comes as an escape from the monotony or drudgery of routine life, as an object of thrill, stimulation or excitement. Gradually the addicts depend more and more upon drugs. They develop a kind of madness. They add to the number of anti-social elements who disrupt peaceful social life.
The radio, television and newspapers must come in with vigorous campaigns against drug abuse and addiction. Legislation alone cannot put an end to the evil practice.
An increased social awareness is the key to the solution of this problem. People are to realize that drugs are killers and rare to be killed. They must learn to say ‘No’ to drugs and save their families from ruin. Persuasion, and not compulsion, can bring good results.


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